
Common Sense concerning Thinking Ahead With an Assortment of Crisis Occurrences

Involving Your Children in Emergency PreparationTeaching your children about preparing for emergencies is a vital task for parents, and it can also be fun. Though you may be worried about frightening your children, it is better that they are prepared—and if done with the right attitude, the process can actually be fun. Teach your children where you keep all of your emergency supplies, and make sure they can reach them. Show your children, and practice with them, where to go when an emergency occurs. It is a Flying angry bird good idea to enroll your child in some sort of first aid class—a great activity for the whole family if you need to know more!Children often enjoy the process of building a 72 hour kit, so be sure to involve them in that project. Often children have great suggestions that adults do not think of, and there is obviously much they can learn from you. Keeping Your 72 Hour Kit WaterproofHaving waterproof materials in your emergency kit is a critical idea to consider. Some emergencies, by nature, involve a lot of water (such as floods or hurricanes). With many other emergencies, you may have to spend a few days outside—and you will want to be prepared for rainy weather. There are a few materials in your kit that should, without question, be waterproof. Tents and other shelters are one example of these. Another good choice is to include sleeping bags that keep you dry. Ponchos should obviously be waterproof. Perhaps the most important waterproof item is the suitcase or backpack you use to store your emergency supplies: flashlights, matches, first aid materials, and so on should not get wet. Finally, your food container should also be waterproof. Changing Your Emergency Supplies with the SeasonsThough it is easy to feel “done” with emergency preparation if rc air swimmers you have assembled your kits, you will have to make some changes periodically to reflect the weather. It is important to update your kits twice a year. It is best to do this around March and October. Every kit should have some clothing for each member of the family, and obviously, the type of clothing you need will depend on the time of year. In the winter, the stored clothing should protect from the cold. Do not forget thick socks, gloves, hats, and jackets. These winter clothes are unnecessary and stifling in the summer months. Switch them with more appropriate clothing in the spring to prepare for hotter weather. If you choose, you can make some minor changes in food depending on the season. For example, you may want heavier, more sustaining foods in the winter and Wholesale Air Swimmers extra water in the summer. The hotter months are also a good time to have such ointments as bug spray and sunscreen. Keep bins marked “winter” and “summer” by your emergency kits, and simply switch out the contents depending on the season for an easy update. Keeping Your Emergency Kits Up to DateIf you have assembled emergency kits for your family, congratulate yourself: you have taken an important step in emergency preparation. However, you must not simply forget about your kits once they are ready. For a number of reasons, you should check your supplies twice a year. Items like batteries, food, water, and medication all have expiration dates and need to be replaced. Sometimes moths, punctures to your kit, or even playing children can damage something in your kit. Check to make sure all your supplies are usable and in working order. New products for emergency preparation come out all the time. You may find something to add to your kit, or a big, heavy item that can be replaced with something smaller. Family circumstances also create the need to change your kits. For example you may need to add a new kind of medication, take out diapers if a toddler had been potty-trained, or change the clothing for a growing child. Remember to check your kits by writing a reminder on your calendar, or choose a special time each year (such as daylight savings time) that is easy to remember.

